Garin Horner
Associate Professor of Art & Photography.
Adrian College.
Garin Horner
Popular Videos to Help You Learn Photography

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ART EX TV asks Professor Horner, "How can I become a better artist?".
In this premier episode of Adrian College's ART EX TV host Colleen Grondin asks Professor Garin Horner for advice on how to become a better artist. His great 7 tips apply to all students of art, including photography. Check it out for yourself and send it to an Artitst friend.
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What kind of camera should I get for my digital photography class?
Point and shoot, DSLR, Megapixels....what's the story?
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Adrian College Photography.
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A History of Photography in 60 Seconds.
This is a montage of photos from the beginning, intermediate, and advanced photography classes at Adrian College's Department of Art and Design. Adrian's Photography courses cover both digital and chemical processes. Our courses incorporate camera operation, studio lighting, natural lighting, composition, printing, critique, photo theory, web gallery design, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, photo history, and historical issues of photo identity. Enjoy!
A random image montage that showcases the History of Photography. Images compiled from the books The History of Photography by Beaumont Newhall and History of Photography by Peter Turner. For educational purposes only.